I started this blog last May, when comedian and would be activist, Russell Brand, announced that he was about to start a revolution. It turned out to be a load of absolute bollocks, with Brand's so called revolution amounting to him telling people to vote for the dreadful Ed Miliband at the 2015 UK General Election.
I subsequently abandoned the blog, but following on from last Thursday's UK EU referendum, I thought I'd write another entry, on the basis that there actually might be a revolution coming this time; although if the elite manage to get a grip on things, the revolution won't actually happen at all, and the referendum will just be remembered as a glorified Tory leadership battle, and nothing whatsoever to do with EU membership.
As things stand at the moment, all that has amounted as a result of the UK voting to leave the EU, is that Old Etonian, David Cameron, has resigned from his job as PM, and Old Etonian, Boris Johnson, has become favourite to replace him.
The jubilant 'Leave' voters, who had 52% of the vote, are claiming, "It feels great to have our country back", but what they don't seem to have realised yet, is that they HAVEN'T got their country back - not that it went anywhere in the first place - as the Tories HAVEN'T resigned the UK from the EU; with Boris very quick to state on Friday, "there is no need for haste". What Boris might actually mean is, BRITAIN AIN'T LEAVING.
If Britain were to resign from the EU, the Scots and Northern Irish; who both voted to remain 'IN' the EU, would look to break away from the United Kingdom, and there would be the start of the revolution, something that the Tory Government surely CANNOT allow to happen; not only because it weakens them, but more importantly, it weakens their master, Queen Elizabeth II.

Poor old Queenie, it's all gone a bit pear-shaped for her. She let it be known a number of times during the referendum campaign that she wanted her subjects to vote the UK OUT of the EU; no doubt thinking that it would give back power and purpose to her and the rest of the sponging House of Windsor cast, but it hasn't quite gone to plan. The majority of The Queen's subjects DID vote 'Leave', but unfortunately for Lilibet, the Scottish dictator, Nicola Stalin, now has more clout than Her Maj, and so the people of Scotland voted how instructed by her instead - Battybird must really HATE Sturge.
So, how long can the Tories avoid actually leaving the EU before those who voted 'Leave' start to realise they've been had? They have initially bought time by saying that they have to elect a new leader, but if Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty hasn't been invoked by Christmas, there will start to be rumblings. The UKIP leader, 'Nicotine' Nigel Farage, called for the UK to quit as soon as the result was in on Friday morning, but Farage is already a has been - no longer needed by the Leave camp, who have already cast him out, and an embarrassment to UKIP's sole member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell, who has been quick to distance himself from Nige now that the referendum is over - so Nigel's calls for an immediate exit have been completely ignored; although the longer the Government goes without invoking Article 50, the longer Nigel and UKIP will hang around. As for Carswell, it is surely only a matter of days/weeks before he rejoins the Tory party, and quite possibly finds himself a place in the Cabinet.

The 48% of the UK who did as they were TOLD by their political leaders, and voted to 'Remain' in the EU, are currently feeling very let down indeed, and are venting their anger on social media; spouting the biggest load of garbage imaginable. They are trying to convince anyone who will listen, that the 52% who voted 'Leave' are all jack-booted racists. Thankfully, no one is listening. The Guardian has a lot to answer for, but then again, so does The Scum newspaper, which is partly responsible for the 0.000000000000001% who actually are jack-booted racists.
Last Thursday's 'Leave' vote wasn't about race; although there is no doubt that the wishy washy immigration policies of the main parties played a part in the thinking of some people, the 'Leave' vote was a mass protest against the elite, and against the political system in general - both in Europe and the UK. It was all very well the political elite warning of a financial armageddon if the people voted to come out of the EU, but the nation proved that the only region in England and Wales who are interested more in money than anything else, are those living in the bubble of London. The people of Cleethorpes and Clacton don't care about the state of the stock exchange, it says nothing to them about their lives.
The aftermath of the referendum vote also looks to be having an effect on the Labour party. Jeremy Corbyn should have seen the referendum for what it was, and should NEVER have got involved in the Tory party leadership battle - he certainly shouldn't have jumped into bed with David Ca-moron. Corbyn was supposed to represent the workers, and standing shoulder to shoulder with an Eton toff is NOT the way to show solidarity with the people.
If only Jeremy had said, 'I am having nothing to do with this charade', he would now be in an incredibly strong position, but instead, he finds the Blairite members of his party trying to hang him out to dry; not giving a shit what Labour is supposed to stand for, only interested in trying to win power at any cost, and with the Tories now looking as though they are moving further to the right, the Labour right will look moderate in comparison - the only question is, who will play Blair's role this time around, Hilary 'Mr' Benn?
It would be a crying shame if Corbyn were to be ousted as the Labour leader, as he has been the first leader in years of any of the major parties who genuinely seems to care more about people than his own political ambitions. Having said that, Jezza hasn't stayed true to his own beliefs, and has sold out a few times in recent months; none more so than during this referendum, so he only has himself to blame if he's booted out. Let us hope Corby can ride out the storm; the Labour party, and the country, will be worse off without him.

There is no such leadership battle going on with the Liberal Democrats, mainly because they only have 8 MPs, all of whom backed the same losing horse. Rather than trying to win back all the many thousands of disgruntled former Lib Dem voters who have just voted Leave, the Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron has announced today that he will base his next election campaign on returning the UK to the EU. It's not a bad way of attracting disgruntled Tory 'Remain' voters, and is yet another reason the Tories will think twice about pushing that Article 50 button. If the new Tory leader doesn't press the button, then God only knows what the Lib Dems will run a campaign on, and God only knows who will actually vote for them.
It has been an exciting few days in the UK, and it looks set to continue for a bit longer yet. I would imagine that along with 'Nicotine' Nige, the one person putting the most pressure on the Tories to push the button to Leave will be Remain's Nicola Stalin, because of course, she personally now has more to gain from the UK leaving.
If the new Tory leader does eventually invoke Article 50, then we will be in for some REAL fireworks. Once the Scots (and possibly Northern Irish) had gone, Lizzy's Kingdom would suddenly become not only disUnited, but also very much smaller. It would surely only be a matter of time before the people of England and Wales rejected the House of Windsor too. If Boris pushes that button, then it'll be a case of, God save the Queen..... what do you mean there's no God? For fuck's sake!
*Goes off singing* Tooorn between the two, right or wrong there is no answer, don't tell me what to do, it's my choice, don't dictate, don't dictate, don't dictate to me
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